All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
394 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri since the first episode, which aired on September 4th, 2017.
The Biblical Roots of the Hail Mary
September 17th, 2019 | 19 mins 28 secs
bible, bible study, biblical roots, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholic teaching, god, gospel, hail mary, jesus, mary, our lady, saint, saints, scripture, ted sri, why catholics
Catholics are often criticized for praying to Mary, but every part of the Hail Mary has biblical roots which reveal that the focus of this prayer is actually Jesus. St. John Paul II put it this way, “Although the repeated Hail Mary is addressed directly to Mary, it is to Jesus that the act of love is ultimately directed, with her and through her.” Dr. Sri unpacks the biblical roots of the Hail Mary to help us truly understand the significance of this powerful prayer.
The Cross Explained
September 10th, 2019 | 21 mins 57 secs
What gives the cross its redemptive value is not the amount of suffering or bloodshed, but the amount of love that was put into Christ’s sacrifice. The cross is less about taking on punishment and more about the total gift of love Jesus offered to...
The World—Friend or Enemy of the Soul?
September 3rd, 2019 | 21 mins 7 secs
We’re not called to be like the Amish, separating ourselves completely from the world. But we must be careful how much of the world’s influences we allow into our homes and into our hearts. How do we strike the right balance? Dr. Sri draws...
Fallen Away—How to Bring Back Those We Love
August 27th, 2019 | 22 mins 57 secs
Do you have family or friends away from the Catholic Faith? St. Monica’s example offers six practical things we can do to help bring our loved ones back to Christ and the Church. Too often we focus on how to change our son, sister...
Is Mary's Queenship Biblical?
August 20th, 2019 | 20 mins 12 secs
Where is Mary’s Queenship in the Bible? Is this just Catholics exaggerating Mary’s role, trying to put Mary on par with Jesus the King, so they make her a Queen? In this episode Dr. Sri unpacks the rich Biblical foundation for the feast the Church...
Did Mary Die Before Her Assumption?
August 13th, 2019 | 14 mins 45 secs
Did Mary experience death before she was assumed into heaven? Or was she preserved from death because she did not have original sin? You might be surprised about what the Catholic Church actually teaches on Mary's Assumption.
A Bishop Speaks on the Abuse Crisis
August 6th, 2019 | 31 mins 51 secs
“How can we stay with a Church that has so many problems?” Dr. Sri unpacks key insights from Bishop Barron’s recent book “A Letter to a Suffering Church” - a book that takes a hard look at the clergy abuse scandal and offers hope and some...
Fit for a Queen: Mary's Greatest Basilica
August 1st, 2019 | 19 mins 55 secs
Why would Catholics build a whole basilica dedicated the Blessed Virgin Mary? Isn’t this distracting from Jesus? Shouldn’t we be building churches in honor of Jesus, not Mary? And why would the Catholic Church have a special liturgical feast day...
A Week in Poland - Our 20th Wedding Anniversary Pilgrimage
July 23rd, 2019 | 27 mins 23 secs
Our marriage began with JP2 blessing it in Rome on our honeymoon. So for our 20th wedding anniversary last week, we wanted to do a special marriage pilgrimage to Krakow and walk in the footsteps of this great saint. In this episode, Beth and Edward...
Messianic Prophecies, Fulfillment in Christ - Reading Matthew (Part 2)
July 16th, 2019 | 23 mins 23 secs
Every detail of the Gospels is there for a reason: to show Jesus fulfilling all the ancient prophecies from the Old Testament. More than any other Gospel, Matthew is constantly alluding to Jewish hopes and expectations to demonstrate how God has...
The Secret to Matthew's Gospel - Reading Matthew (Part 1)
July 9th, 2019 | 21 mins 38 secs
Why does the Catholic Church hold up Matthew’s Gospel as so crucial for passing on the Faith--whether as a parent, teacher, catechist or friend? And why does Matthew stand out in times of evangelization and renewal in the Church? Matthew’s...
Mary, Saints & Purgatory - Listeners’ Questions
July 4th, 2019 | 23 mins 36 secs
When the saints die, they don’t get cut off from the Body of Christ. They’re closer to Jesus and thus even closer to us, able to hear our prayers and intercede powerfully for our needs. In this episode, Edward Sri answers listeners questions...
The Highest Expression of God's Love: Sacred Heart of Jesus
June 25th, 2019 | 15 mins 43 secs
Mercy is the highest expression of God’s love. But His mercy is not like that of a judge who merely pardons our violations of the law or a demanding boss who one day decides to overlook the mistakes in our work. This week’s Solemnity of the...
The Bible’s Most Powerful Argument for the Eucharist
June 20th, 2019 | 17 mins 36 secs
How can Catholics believe the Eucharist is really the Body of Christ? ‘It’s just a piece of bread! It’s just a symbol of Jesus, not his real presence,’ some would say. But there’s one Biblical passage that offers the richest...
Your Heart for God - Lessons from St. Philip Neri
June 12th, 2019 | 18 mins 6 secs
Do you want your heart to have more space to receive God’s Love in your life? Learn from one of Dr. Sri’s favorite saints in Rome, St. Philip Neri, who is a patron saint for the New Evangelization. This special edition was recorded in...
Led by the Holy Spirit - Pentecost
June 5th, 2019 | 19 mins 20 secs
“Holy Spirit, inspire me in all my actions….guide me in all my decisions….” After Pentecost, the Apostles were transformed men. We can experience that same transformation in the Spirit today - if we grow in deeper relationship with the Third...