All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
394 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri since the first episode, which aired on September 4th, 2017.
Live with Father Mike Schmitz on Discerning God’s Will
January 7th, 2020 | 23 mins 51 secs
father mike, father mike schmitz, focus, fr mike schmitz, fr. mike, fr. mike schmitz, sls, sls conference, sls20
In this special live interview, Father Mike Schmitz identifies the major barrier to decision-making that he sees plague so many Catholics: the fear of making the wrong choice and disappointing God. This fear might keep someone from making a major vocational step of discernment, (e.g. entering the seminary or proposing), or it could keep someone from making other types of life decisions, (e.g. starting a Bible study or sending their kids to a new school). Father and I talk about this paralyzing tendency and share observations, insights, and practical steps to help you peacefully move forward in following God’s will for your life.
Today’s episode was recorded last week at the FOCUS SLS Student Leadership Conference in Phoenix Arizona. Thank you for all your prayers during this incredible, life-giving week spent with so many amazing young people who are on fire for the Lord!
Men, Women, and the Mystery of Love
December 31st, 2019 | 22 mins 31 secs
catholic marriage, catholic relationships, christian love, christian marriage, christian relationships, love, romance, theology of the body, true love
How do you know if you truly love someone? Is it when you have a powerful romance with intense feelings? Is it simply a deep desire to be with a certain person? St. Pope John Paul II reveals THE indicator of true love for another: a profound sense of responsibility to care for their heart.
Today’s episode of All Things Catholic examines that reality through the lens of Adam and Eve’s relationship before the Fall, giving you keys to understand how this mystery of love can unfold in your own life.
A Christmas Greeting From Dr. Edward Sri
December 24th, 2019 | 3 mins 18 secs
advent, christ, christmas
Merry Christmas from Dr. Sri and the Ascension team! We're taking a break from our regular recording schedule to celebrate this beautiful Christmas octave, but if you're looking for some extra spiritual and theological enrichment, we encourage you to check out Episode 62 from the All Things Catholic Archives: "Christmas Through Jewish Eyes."
Please pray for me as I join Fr. Mike Schmitz, Sister Miriam, and other Catholic speakers at the FOCUS SLS Conference. Please pray that the Lord guides our words as we speak to thousands of Catholics and Christian young adults, and that the Holy Spirit guides their hearts into a deeper union with him.
FOCUS SLS 2020 Conference
SLS 2020 Live Streaming on Facebook -
O Come O Come Emmanuel
December 17th, 2019 | 17 mins 50 secs
advent, advent 2019, bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible, christ the king, christmas, christmas scripture, dr. edward sri, emmanuel, genealogy, genealogy of christ, god with us, gospel of matthew, jesus, jesus christ, matthew, scripture, ted sri
As Christmas draws closer, the Gospel readings focus on the Gospel of Matthew, which begins with something seemingly mundane—the genealogy of Christ. Why does Matthew start his Gospel with a genealogy? If you look at it from the point of view of a first century Jew, it’s completely captivating. These names reveal a lot about the history of God’s chosen people, and builds up to reveal the identity of the new king and Emmanuel, God with us.
A Different Way to Think About the Immaculate Conception
December 10th, 2019 | 18 mins 36 secs
advent, biblical roots, immaculate conception, marian dogma, marian theology, mary, theology
Do you put Mary on such a pedestal that you feel like you can’t relate to her at all? As we celebrate the feasts of the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dr. Sri explains the beauty of God’s choice to create Mary without sin and offers several practical ways you can seek Mary’s help in your own quest for holiness.
Ten Family Advent Traditions to Try This Year
December 3rd, 2019 | 26 mins 53 secs
advent, advent prayers, advent traditions, advent wreath, blessing of christmas tree, christmas music
From assigning secret “Advent Angels” to your family members to a Las Posadas door-to-door procession and celebration, these ten meaningful Advent traditions will bring your whole family together to experience the joyful anticipation of this liturgical season.
How To Make Room for Jesus this Advent
November 26th, 2019 | 18 mins 37 secs
advent, busy, catholic spirituality, focus, prayer, spiritual growth, spirituality
When Thanksgiving is over, it’s all too easy to jump into the chaos of December, and Advent takes a backseat to the busyness of the season. How do we avoid that frantic pace and actually make room for Jesus in our hearts this year? Dr. Edward Sri explains how this Advent, the Lord has special graces for each of us, if only we make space for him in our lives.
The Power of Intercessory Prayer
November 19th, 2019 | 24 mins 8 secs
healing, healing prayer, intercession, miraculous healing, prayer, praying for others
Sometimes we think our intercession for others will work only if we say enough prayers or say the right ones, but the power of intercessory prayer lies in the love we put into the prayer and the love of our God who hears them.
The Fires of Purgatory
November 12th, 2019 | 23 mins 51 secs
heaven, hell, prayer, purgatory, saints
Purgatory often gets treated like a time out—the place you go because you did something bad—but it’s much more than that. Dr. Sri uses biblical images of fire and an analogy from St. John of the Cross to illuminate the Catholic teaching of purgatory.
How to Trust God More
November 5th, 2019 | 20 mins 12 secs
bible, catholic, catholic church, catholicism, dr. edward sri, dr. sri, dr. ted sri, gospel, gospel of john, increasing trust, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, scripture, trust, trusting god
Which biblical figure showed the most trust in God? Dr. Sri makes a good case for a man from the Gospel of John whose son is dying and explains how we can use his example to trust God more.
What Does the Bible Say about Praying to the Saints?
October 29th, 2019 | 22 mins 32 secs
ascension, bible, body of christ, catholic, catholicism, heaven, holiness, intercessory prayer, prayer, saint, saints, scripture
What does the Bible say about praying to saints? Are there biblical foundations for the Catholic tradition of asking saints to intercede for us?
This episode not only will leave you with a good apologetic answer to these questions, but—more importantly—will leave you with a renewed sense of appreciation for the cloud of witnesses who inspire us, intercede for us, and draw us deeper into communion with the blessed Trinity.
Saint Pope John Paul II: Open Wide the Doors for Christ!
October 22nd, 2019 | 20 mins 11 secs
anxiety, catholic prayer, fear, how to pray, jesus, jesus christ, john paul ii, john paul the great, overcoming anxiety, overcoming fear, prayer, saint pope john paul ii, saint pope john paul ii the great, surrender
If you’re stressed or anxious, you will find great comfort in Pope John Paul II’s famous phrase: “Be not afraid … Open wide the doors to Christ!” In this episode of All Things Catholic, Dr. Sri explains the meaning behind Pope John Paull II’s words and shares a simple way you can begin bringing your fears and anxieties to Christ in prayer. Once you surrender those fears to Christ, you might be surprised at the amazing plan that unfolds.
Why Do I Need a Church?
October 15th, 2019 | 20 mins 58 secs
bible, catholic, catholic spirituality, catholic theologian, church, dr. ted sri, god, jesus, religion, scripture, spirituality, ted sri
Do we really need a church? Why can’t we just be spiritual instead? Dr. Edward Sri explains not only why God gave us the Church, but why it is a gift for us and a necessity to be brought into a familial relationship with him.
Is the Rosary Biblical?
October 8th, 2019 | 21 mins 45 secs
bible, bible quotes, biblical, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholicism, dr. edward sri, hail mary, mary, our father, rosary, scripture, scripture verses, ted sri
We’ve talked about the Biblical roots of the Hail Mary, but what about the Rosary? What makes this prayer so powerful that St. Padre Pio called it “the weapon for these times”? Dr. Edward Sri explains why the Rosary is not “vain repetition”, points to the Biblical source of each prayer in the Rosary, and gives practical advice on how we can better incorporate this impactful prayer into our daily lives.
St. Thérèse and the Power of Surrender
October 1st, 2019 | 23 mins 13 secs
bible, catholic, catholic prayer, dr. edward sri, dr. ted sri, feast day, healing, morning offering, prayer, saint, saints, scripture, st. therese, struggle, suffering, surrender, ted sri, theology
When we fall short, it’s easy to despair and berate ourselves for our failings. We’re tempted to turn our focus inward, and that’s exactly where the enemy wants us. Using the theology of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Dr. Sri explains how this is the opposite of what God wants us to do. When we fail, instead of navel-gazing, we can recognize our littleness and let the Lord into our hearts by surrendering our shortcomings to him.
Struggles in Prayer
September 24th, 2019 | 23 mins 6 secs
adoration, biblical insights, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholicism, dr. edward sri, dry prayer, edward sri, focus during prayer, jesus, prayer, prayer life, praying, scripture, scripture scholar, ted sri
Every faithful Catholic goes through a season where prayer is difficult. Whether you’re unable to feel God’s presence, get easily distracted, or find yourself avoiding prayer altogether, Dr. Edward Sri points out four reasons why we may struggle in prayer, and what we can do to persevere and build an ever-stronger relationship with God.