All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

394 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri since the first episode, which aired on September 4th, 2017.

  • Why You and I Need the Resurrection

    April 21st, 2020  |  23 mins 55 secs
    bible, jesus, jesus resurrection, old testament, old testament scriptures, resurrection, scriptures

    Without the Resurrection, the story of Salvation is only half complete! In today’s episode, Dr. Sri explains how the Resurrection confirms Christ’s divinity and enables us to join God in heaven as his children. Dr. Sri also reflects on how the Resurrection fulfills the Old Testament, pointing out how Jonah and the Whale foreshadows Christ’s resurrection and our call to spread the Gospel to all we meet.

    For full episode shownotes, visit or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • When Jesus Appears to the Disciples: A Lesson on Peace and Shame

    April 14th, 2020  |  18 mins 40 secs

    In today’s episode, we focus on Luke 24: 36-43 and discover that Jesus’ appearance to the disciples in the Upper Room was about more than simply convincing them that he had risen from the dead. Jesus did then what he wants to do with us now: he broke through the walls of their hearts, calling them to face their weakness and meeting that weakness with his peace.

    For full episode shownotes, visit, or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • Symbolism in the Good Friday Narrative, Down to the Last Detail

    April 7th, 2020  |  22 mins 41 secs
    bible, christ's passion, crucifixion, dr edward sri, dr sri, dr. sri, edward sri, holy week, jesus death, passion narrative, the crucifixion, the passion of christ

    Every single detail in the Good Friday story shows us God’s love and the fulfillment of his amazing plan for salvation. In today’s episode we look at seven symbolic details of the Crucifixion—the climax of Salvation history. Through these details, we gain immense insight into who Christ is, how he fulfills the Old Testament, and the nature of his relationship to the Church.

    For full episode shownotes visit or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • It's Time to Focus on Jesus

    March 31st, 2020  |  25 mins 31 secs
    holy week, jesus, lent, palm sunday, the passion of christ

    As Holy Week draws near, let’s turn our focus away from the events of our world and instead focus on Jesus. The best way to do this is to dive into the Scriptures and meditate on certain moments leading up to and through Jesus’ Passion. Dr. Sri suggests four scripture passages for reflection, walking through Jesus’ Agony in the Garden to demonstrate a method of meditation that will enable you to grow closer to Jesus this Holy Week.

    For full shownotes, visit or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • Jesus in the Midst of Suffering with Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio

    March 24th, 2020  |  28 mins 9 secs
    bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic prayer, catholicism, christian, dr. italy, dr. sri, god, jesus, prayer, scripture, suffering, suffering in the bible, trails, uncertainty

    Turning to Scripture can help dispel our worries and fears. Dr. Sri sits down with Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, author of Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life, to talk about the ways that God shows up in Scripture during the sufferings of his people, and what we can learn from these examples in this period of uncertainty. See the full shownotes at or subscribe by texting “allthingscatholic” to 33-777

  • Challenges Catholics Face during COVID-19: Your Questions Answered

    March 17th, 2020  |  33 mins 13 secs
    ascension, body of christ, catholic, catholicism, coronavirus, covid-19, heaven, holiness, intercessory prayer, pandemic, saint

    On today’s special edition podcast, My wife Beth joins me to address unique challenges Catholics are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. We respond to listener questions about financial fears, the dangers of working outside the home when one has vulnerable family members, discernment without time before the Blessed Sacrament, and diocesan recommendations to receive Communion on the hand. We then give you tips to help you respond with openness to the graces the Lord wants to bring to you during this time.

    Jesus wants to meet us in our uncertainty, our fears, and our disappointments. He wants to do something in our souls. In all of this, he’s inviting us to rely more on him and not on ourselves. On today’s special edition podcast, my wife Beth joins me to address unique challenges Catholics are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. We respond to listener questions about financial fears, the dangers of working outside the home when one has vulnerable family members, discernment without time before the Blessed Sacrament, and diocesan recommendations to receive Communion on the hand. We then give you tips to help you respond with openness to the graces the Lord wants to bring to you during this time.

    For full episode shownotes, visit or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • SPECIAL: The Coronavirus and Missing Sunday Mass

    March 13th, 2020  |  11 mins 39 secs
    coronavirus, covid-19, keep holy the sabbath, sunday mass

    Today’s special episode reflects on the escalating climate around COVID-19 and provides three concrete actions to take when faced with Sunday Mass cancellations in your area. What should you do on Sunday if your diocese has been affected by the novel coronavirus or your health requires you to self-isolate? Tune in for a step-by-step guide to keeping the Sabbath holy and trusting in the Lord during these times of great uncertainty.

    For full episode shownotes, visit or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • The Hidden Message of the Transfiguration

    March 10th, 2020  |  22 mins 3 secs
    crucifixion, jesus, the passion, transfiguration

    We celebrate the Transfiguration as we inch closer to Christ’s Passion, but it’s easy to forget that the two events are closely related. During the Transfiguration, God tells Peter, James, and John, “This is my beloved Son, listen to him.” What does God mean when he says “listen to him”? Dr. Sri explains the hidden message embedded in this command.

    For full episode shownotes, visit or text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • Jesus Never Said, "Be True to Yourself"

    March 3rd, 2020  |  24 mins 52 secs
    ascension, bible, body of christ, catholic, catholicism, dr. edward sri, dr. sri, edward sri, heaven, holiness, individualism, intercessory prayer, morality, prayer, relativism, repentance, saint, saints, scripture, sin

    Society preaches three seemingly innocent phrases: “Be true to yourself;” “You be you;” and “You do you.” They all communicate the same philosophy: everyone should unapologetically do what he or she wants, because that’s the path to freedom. Dr. Sri argues how much more freeing and incredible it is to follow the call of the Christian Gospel, which shows us how we are most true to ourselves when we die to ourselves and “put on Christ.”

    For full episode resources, text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777

  • Pick Up Your Cross and Follow Me

    February 25th, 2020  |  16 mins 18 secs
    ash wednesday, catholic lent, catholic lenten, catholic lenten season, catholics, cross, crucifixion, jesus cross, lent, lenten, lenten journal, lenten practices, lenten reflections, lenten season, pick up your cross, reflections for lent, take up your cross

    A device of torture, shame, and suffering, the image of the cross struck fear into the hearts of first century Jews. Against this backdrop, Jesus tells his disciples, “Pick up your cross and follow me.” And he doesn’t just say to pick it up once; he says we must do this daily if we want to be his disciples.

    To pick up our cross, we must accept and embrace the sufferings that God has allowed in our lives, knowing that they can sanctify us. It's not easy, but the paradox is that we will find joy by picking up our cross and following the savior who took up his own cross for our sake.

    For full episode shownotes, text ALLTHINGSCATHOLIC to 33-777.

  • 3 Essential Practices for the Lenten Season

    February 18th, 2020  |  24 mins 54 secs
    ash wednesday, catholic lent, catholic lenten, catholic lenten season, catholics, lent, lenten, lenten journal, lenten practices, lenten reflections, lenten season, reflections for lent

    What are the three essential practices that all Catholics are called to embrace during the Lenten Season? What does the desert have to do with these practices?

    This Lenten season, let's commit wholeheartedly to the three disciplines of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. By doing so, we go into the desert of our hearts to encounter our Lord and hear his spirit prompting, challenging, and encouraging us.

  • Peace in the Present Moment

    February 11th, 2020  |  21 mins 5 secs
    living in the present, living in the present moment, peace, present moment, surrender to god, trust in god, trusting god

    Peace in the present moment doesn’t come easily. It’s part of human nature to fixate on disappointments of the past, and if we’re honest, the self-talk can be brutal: “How could I ever have said that?” “Why did I make that horrible mistake?” “Will everyone remember me for this?” Worries about the future can be overwhelming, too: “Will everything turn out OK with this relationship?” “What if I make the wrong choice?” “What if we don’t have enough?”

    Today’s episode focuses on how to gain peace by inviting Christ’s presence into all these moments of anxiety. By totally surrendering and entrusting your past, present, and future to the Lord, you can rest in his love, here in the present moment.

  • Candlemas and the Glory of the Lord

    February 4th, 2020  |  16 mins 25 secs

    On Candlemas, Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus and bless the candles that will be used in the Church's liturgical life throughout the following year. Reflecting on the prophesy of Simeon that we read in Scripture on this great feast, Dr. Sri explains how Jesus’ Presentation marks a climactic moment in all of Salvation History.

    Today’s episode draws amazing connections between God’s “glory” in the Old Testament, Jesus’ incarnation in the New Testament, and Christ’s continued real presence in the Holy Eucharist.

  • Stand Up for Truth

    January 28th, 2020  |  18 mins 58 secs
    apologetics, courage, fear, moral confusion, pontius pilate, relativism, stand up for truth, truth

    Pontius Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, but he didn’t have the courage to stand up for truth. So, he allowed Jesus to be crucified. While literal crucifixions don’t happen today (at least not in our society), that’s figuratively what happens when we don’t stand up for truth—people suffer.

    Standing up for truth is often incredibly uncomfortable, especially when we’re facing today’s hot-button issues. But Jesus tells us that the truth will set us free. Only by trusting in that promise will we find the courage and the fortitude to do what’s right—and say what’s true—in the face of criticism.

  • “I Thirst”: God’s Infinite Longing for Your Love

    January 21st, 2020  |  18 mins 25 secs
    adoration, crucifix, encounter, i thirst, missionaries of charity, mother teresa, prayer, samaritan woman, st. mother teresa, woman at the well

    St. Mother Teresa’s chapel was bare, austere, and simple, yet two simple words were written on the wall where a large crucifix hung: “I thirst.” What do you think these two words meant to Mother Teresa? Is this phrase simply a statement of God’s collective love for mankind, or did Mother Teresa understand it to mean more than that?

  • Live with Fr. Josh Johnson: All about Adoration

    January 14th, 2020  |  21 mins 47 secs

    We know that spending time in Eucharistic Adoration is an incredible thing, but it’s so easy to get distracted! When it comes to the practicals, should you sit, stand or kneel? Should you read a spiritual book or write in your journal? What kinds of things should you pray about? How can you listen better and actually hear God’s voice?

    We know that spending time in Eucharistic Adoration is an incredible thing, but it’s so easy to get distracted! And when it comes to the practicals, should you sit, stand or kneel? Should you read a spiritual book or write in your journal? What kinds of things should you pray about? How can you listen better and actually hear God’s voice?

    Father Josh Johnson joins me live at the SLS20 FOCUS conference in Phoenix to share helpful advice on how exactly to spend your time in Eucharistic Adoration. In this conversation, Father Josh shares insights from his own Adoration experiences, the writings of the Saints, Church tradition, and Holy Scriptures that will help you focus on the face of our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration.