All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri
We found 10 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri with the tag “catholic faith”.
Hebrews: The Heavenly Grandeur of the New Covenant (with Dr. Andrew Swafford)
July 14th, 2020 | 21 mins 29 secs
ascension, ascension press, bible, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholicism, christ, dr. edward sri, dr.andrew swafford, edward sri, heaven, hebrews, jesus, jesus christ, litrugy, new covenant, new testament, old testament, sacrifice, scripture, story of salvation, worship
Have you ever wondered where Christ fits in the story of salvation? The letter to the Hebrews in the New Testament beautifully shows us how Christ is the fulfillment of the old covenant and the pinnacle of this story. In this episode, Dr. Andrew Swafford gives us an insight into his new study on the letter to the Hebrews, which unveils the heavenly grandeur of the new covenant. In Christ, we can now experience heaven on earth!
The Secret of Parables
July 7th, 2020 | 26 mins 43 secs
ascension, ascension press, bible, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholicism, disciples, dr. edward sri, edward sri, faith, following jesus, jesus, jesus' preaching, jesus' teaching, king david, kingdom of god, kingdom of heaven, nathan, parable of the sower, parables, pharisees, prodigal son, repentance, scripture
Parables in the Gospels represent a key turning point in Jesus' public ministry. By unfolding the details of parables, we can better understand their purpose and context in Jesus’ teaching. In preparation of this upcoming Sunday’s Gospel on the parable of the sower, Dr. Sri unlocks the secret of parables to help us integrate them into our lives.
Love Like Christ in Your Marriage: From Eros to Agape
June 30th, 2020 | 20 mins 14 secs
agape, ascension, ascension press, attractions, bible, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, dr. edward sri, edward sri, emotions, eros, family, family life, feelings, jesus, love, marriage, pleasure, prayer, relationships, romance, sacraments, sacrificial love, scripture
Falling in love is easy, but persevering in marriage can be challenging. In this episode, Dr. Sri explains the difference between eros and agape love, and reminds us that marriage must go beyond our own personal feelings and emotions. He offers couples four ways to move from eros to agape love in order love like Christ in marriage.