All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri
We found 10 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri with the tag “catholic church”.
The Secret of Parables
July 7th, 2020 | 26 mins 43 secs
ascension, ascension press, bible, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, catholicism, disciples, dr. edward sri, edward sri, faith, following jesus, jesus, jesus' preaching, jesus' teaching, king david, kingdom of god, kingdom of heaven, nathan, parable of the sower, parables, pharisees, prodigal son, repentance, scripture
Parables in the Gospels represent a key turning point in Jesus' public ministry. By unfolding the details of parables, we can better understand their purpose and context in Jesus’ teaching. In preparation of this upcoming Sunday’s Gospel on the parable of the sower, Dr. Sri unlocks the secret of parables to help us integrate them into our lives.
Love Like Christ in Your Marriage: From Eros to Agape
June 30th, 2020 | 20 mins 14 secs
agape, ascension, ascension press, attractions, bible, catholic, catholic church, catholic faith, dr. edward sri, edward sri, emotions, eros, family, family life, feelings, jesus, love, marriage, pleasure, prayer, relationships, romance, sacraments, sacrificial love, scripture
Falling in love is easy, but persevering in marriage can be challenging. In this episode, Dr. Sri explains the difference between eros and agape love, and reminds us that marriage must go beyond our own personal feelings and emotions. He offers couples four ways to move from eros to agape love in order love like Christ in marriage.
How to Encounter God More in the Liturgy of the Word
June 23rd, 2020 | 18 mins 11 secs
ascension, ascension presents, ascension press, bible, catholic, catholic church, catholic mass, dr. edward sri, edward sri, god speaking, jesus, lector, liturgy of the word, preparation, readings, scripture, tips, word of god
Distracted during Mass? Focusing on the liturgy of the word during Mass can be difficult, especially when you have pressing issues on your mind. To help focus on God’s voice in the scriptures, Dr. Sri shares three practical ways we can prepare our hearts for the liturgy of the word.
Jesus in the Midst of Suffering with Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio
March 24th, 2020 | 28 mins 9 secs
bible, bible study, catholic, catholic bible study, catholic church, catholic prayer, catholicism, christian, dr. italy, dr. sri, god, jesus, prayer, scripture, suffering, suffering in the bible, trails, uncertainty
Turning to Scripture can help dispel our worries and fears. Dr. Sri sits down with Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, author of Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life, to talk about the ways that God shows up in Scripture during the sufferings of his people, and what we can learn from these examples in this period of uncertainty. See the full shownotes at or subscribe by texting “allthingscatholic” to 33-777
How to Trust God More
November 5th, 2019 | 20 mins 12 secs
bible, catholic, catholic church, catholicism, dr. edward sri, dr. sri, dr. ted sri, gospel, gospel of john, increasing trust, jesus, jesus christ, prayer, scripture, trust, trusting god
Which biblical figure showed the most trust in God? Dr. Sri makes a good case for a man from the Gospel of John whose son is dying and explains how we can use his example to trust God more.
Is the Rosary Biblical?
October 8th, 2019 | 21 mins 45 secs
bible, bible quotes, biblical, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholicism, dr. edward sri, hail mary, mary, our father, rosary, scripture, scripture verses, ted sri
We’ve talked about the Biblical roots of the Hail Mary, but what about the Rosary? What makes this prayer so powerful that St. Padre Pio called it “the weapon for these times”? Dr. Edward Sri explains why the Rosary is not “vain repetition”, points to the Biblical source of each prayer in the Rosary, and gives practical advice on how we can better incorporate this impactful prayer into our daily lives.
Struggles in Prayer
September 24th, 2019 | 23 mins 6 secs
adoration, biblical insights, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholicism, dr. edward sri, dry prayer, edward sri, focus during prayer, jesus, prayer, prayer life, praying, scripture, scripture scholar, ted sri
Every faithful Catholic goes through a season where prayer is difficult. Whether you’re unable to feel God’s presence, get easily distracted, or find yourself avoiding prayer altogether, Dr. Edward Sri points out four reasons why we may struggle in prayer, and what we can do to persevere and build an ever-stronger relationship with God.
The Biblical Roots of the Hail Mary
September 17th, 2019 | 19 mins 28 secs
bible, bible study, biblical roots, catholic, catholic church, catholic prayers, catholic teaching, god, gospel, hail mary, jesus, mary, our lady, saint, saints, scripture, ted sri, why catholics
Catholics are often criticized for praying to Mary, but every part of the Hail Mary has biblical roots which reveal that the focus of this prayer is actually Jesus. St. John Paul II put it this way, “Although the repeated Hail Mary is addressed directly to Mary, it is to Jesus that the act of love is ultimately directed, with her and through her.” Dr. Sri unpacks the biblical roots of the Hail Mary to help us truly understand the significance of this powerful prayer.