All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

391 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri since the first episode, which aired on September 4th, 2017.

  • When You Hit the Wall: Struggles in the Spiritual Life

    February 6th, 2018  |  15 mins 36 secs

    A crucial moment in the spiritual life comes when we hit the wall: when we experience our weaknesses and sins and fear that we'll never get better - we'll never change. In those low moments, we might be tempted to give up trying and settle for...

  • More Than Groundhog's Day: The Presentation of Our Lord & Prophecy Fulfilled

    January 30th, 2018  |  17 mins 24 secs

    The Feast of the Presentation (Feb 2) commemorates a significant turning point in the history of the world: God's glory returning to the temple. Edward Sri unpacks the prophecies fulfilled in this scene to help prepare our hearts for this great feast....

  • The Battle for Prayer

    January 23rd, 2018  |  16 mins 8 secs

    We like to pray when we feel we're getting something out of it. But what do we do when the feelings fade, when we're "too busy" or prayer is dry? Will we still show up? Faithfulness to Jesus in prayer is more important than the feelings we might...

  • What We Wish We Knew Before Marriage - with Beth Sri

    January 16th, 2018  |  30 mins 17 secs

    Nothing can fully prepare you for the real challenges of married life. Edward Sri hosts his first guest, his wife Beth, as they share three things they wish they did before they were married...and they continue to work on today.

  • "But I'm Not Hurting Anyone!"

    January 9th, 2018  |  18 mins 21 secs

    Many say, "What I do in my private life doesn't matter - as long as I'm not hurting anyone." But there are many ways we hurt people simply by failing to be the best we can be. In this week's episode, Edward Sri helps us respond to this objection...

  • Who Do You Want to Become?

    January 2nd, 2018  |  21 mins 13 secs

    Our choices matter. They lead us either to becoming the kind of person we most deeply desire to be or to falling short of the greatness to which God calls us. In this episode, Edward Sri helps us engage the culture of moral relativism with a Catholic...

  • What Was Mary Thinking?

    December 26th, 2017  |  13 mins 25 secs

    What was Mary thinking and going through on that first Christmas night? Recorded on location in Bethlehem, Edward Sri helps us enter into Mary's experience: The joy of giving birth to her son, the messiah, and the bewilderment and sorrow over watching...

  • "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

    December 19th, 2017  |  15 mins 40 secs

    What if we had never heard the Christmas story before? What if we were first-century Jews encountering the story of Jesus' birth for the very first time? In this week's podcast, Edward Sri takes us back into the world of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and...

  • Rejoice...Always?

    December 12th, 2017  |  23 mins 28 secs

    Christians are called to rejoice, especially in the Advent season. But can we experience joy even in the midst of difficulties and trials? Edward Sri unpacks what true joy is and how we can radiate it more, even in the face of life's daily challenges.

  • This Advent, No Regrets: 3 Ways to a Deeper Advent

    December 5th, 2017  |  16 mins 20 secs

    Don't miss out on Advent this year. Edward Sri helps us stay focused on the special graces that await us in this liturgical season - if we understand its meaning and key practices.  Episode Notes Staying Focused in December: Preparing...

  • In This Sign Conquer

    November 28th, 2017  |  19 mins 35 secs

    The Sign of the Cross is not just the way Catholics begin their prayers. It is itself a powerful prayer—one that’s rooted in Scripture and one that the earliest Christians often turned to for strength in spiritual battle and protection from all...

  • What Happens After We Die?

    November 21st, 2017  |  17 mins 2 secs

    If you’re at Thanksgiving dinner and the topic of life after death comes up, how confident would you be in articulating the Catholic position? Is there really a hell? If God is so merciful, would he really send people to hell? And what’s purgatory...

  • “Who is My Mother?”

    November 14th, 2017  |  11 mins 51 secs

    Why does Jesus sometimes seem to push Mary away? For example: When people inform Jesus that his mother has arrived in Capernaum to see him, he says, “Who is my mother?” (My. 12:48). What does he mean by that? Far from disrespecting his mother,...

  • A Day on Pilgrimage

    November 7th, 2017  |  15 mins 31 secs

    Imagine waking up along the Sea of Galilee, walking out your door and seeing the place where Jesus calmed the storm, walked on water and called his first disciples. You pinch yourself and ask, “Am I really here?”  By seeing the very places...

  • Why Honor the Saints?

    October 31st, 2017  |  14 mins 54 secs

    “Why do you Catholics give so much attention to the saints? Shouldn’t we just focus on God?” Indeed, Catholic devotion to the saints is quite puzzling to some Christians. The whole idea of kneeling before a statue of Mary, doing a nine-day...

  • Transformed—Into ‘Agape’ Love

    October 23rd, 2017  |  22 mins 29 secs

    Along the Sea of Galilee some 2,000 years ago, Peter was stunned when the Risen Jesus asked him, “Do you love me?” It was the word for “love” that got to him. Jesus didn’t speak of ordinary human affection. Another Greek word, phileo,...