All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

394 episodes of All Things Catholic with Dr. Edward Sri since the first episode, which aired on September 4th, 2017.

  • "Lift Up Your Hearts"

    October 9th, 2018  |  15 mins 18 secs

    Ever feel you’re just going through the motions at Mass?  Distracted? Your heart not in it? The start of the Eucharistic Liturgy wakes us up with rituals and prayers that inspire us to “lift up our hearts” to God as we approach the sacred...

  • Surrender: Allowing God to Act

    October 2nd, 2018  |  14 mins 47 secs

    It’s not enough to be open to God’s will. We must allow him to act in our lives.  A true Christian disciple doesn’t put parameters around God’s will. But when we truly surrender to His plan and give our “Fiat,’ He begins to act in us...

  • Mary: The Early Years

    September 25th, 2018  |  20 mins 58 secs

    What was Mary’s life like before the annunciation? Before that day when Gabriel announced she would become the mother of the messiah?  The Bible itself doesn't tell us a lot - only two verses about the pre-annunciation Mary. But Edward Sri...

  • Stigmata & Saints

    September 18th, 2018  |  16 mins 56 secs

    What are the stigmata? Why do some saints receive them? And what difference do they make for my life? Look beyond the bodily marks and discover something deeper: a soul totally conformed to Christ’s self-giving love.   

  • Standing in the Darkness

    September 11th, 2018  |  25 mins 28 secs

    Do you ever feel your world is turned upside down? “Where is my life going?…Where is God?” Mary is right there with you. God drew her many times to step into the darkness and encounter Him there. In your darkness, turn to her, Our Lady of Sorrows.

  • Mother Teresa's Secret Vow

    September 5th, 2018  |  21 mins 7 secs

    You've heard of her care for the poor. But do know about her extraordinary interior life? “I have been burning with a longing to love Him as He has never been loved before.” - St. Mother Teresa.  

  • Now is the Time for Heroes

    August 28th, 2018  |  22 mins 42 secs

    What does one do when the Pope is accused of being associated with covering up abuse in the Church?  On one hand, one must avoid rash judgment and jumping to conclusions. At the same time, Cardinal DiNardo (president of the US Bishop’s...

  • A Biblical Response to Church Scandal: What Can We Do?

    August 21st, 2018  |  21 mins 4 secs

    Many Catholics are feeling bewildered in the wake of horrific revelations about clergy abuse. We must, however, go deeper spiritually and theologically to face the present challenges. In times of sorrow and crisis, Scripture and the Catholic Tradition...

  • Is the Assumption of Mary Biblical?

    August 14th, 2018  |  18 mins 4 secs

    Where do Catholics get the idea that Mary was assumed into heaven? Is there any Scriptural basis for this doctrine? Or is this just a Catholic exaggeration of Mary’s role in the Christian life?

  • Following the Head or Heart?

    August 7th, 2018  |  23 mins 11 secs

    When it comes to romantic relationships, people often question whether they should follow the head or the heart.  But what about our friendship with God?  Is the head or the heart more important in the spiritual life?   The two, of...

  • When God Multiplies Our Loaves

    July 31st, 2018  |  10 mins 46 secs

    How do you respond when you feel stretched: overwhelmed, in-over-your-head, drowning, not sure you’re up for the task?  Jesus reminds us to turn to him. He can make up for our deficiencies, just as he did that day when he fed 5,000 with only...

  • Mark's Gospel in One Sentence

    July 24th, 2018  |  13 mins 19 secs

    Do you know the one verse that gives the framework to the entire Gospel of Mark?  Edward Sri unpacks the opening of this Gospel, which the Church is focusing on this liturgical year.   

  • Changed Into His Likeness (Part 2)

    July 18th, 2018  |  28 mins 9 secs

    God wants to meet the real you - as you are - with all your weaknesses, wounds and faults.  As St. Therese of Lisieux once told her sister Celine, "You want to scale the mountain of sanctity. But God wants to meet you down low, in the fertile...

  • Changed Into His Likeness (Part 1)

    July 11th, 2018  |  28 mins 18 secs

    How do I experience the transformation God wants to work in my life? How do get my spiritual life from where it is now to where God wants it to be? It’s not enough to go through the motions of the faith and believe the right things. We must learn to...

  • After Communion: 3 Things to Do

    July 3rd, 2018  |  14 mins 52 secs

    You become a Tabernacle when you receive Holy Communion—a holy dwelling place for the presence of God.  You also become like Mary: Just as Mary carried Jesus in her womb for nine months, you carry the Body and Blood of Jesus sacramentally...

  • Real Presence, Real Love

    June 26th, 2018  |  19 mins 5 secs

    Love wants to be near the one it loves. That’s why Jesus remains close to us in the Eucharist. He gives us his very Presence in all the Tabernacles throughout the world - And He longs for us to draw near to him.  Do you make it a priority to...